Go Canada Go! Woohoo!
It's fun having the Japan 2020 Olympics on TV! I love watching all these amazing athletes around the world compete! I hope you are enjoying it as well! So proud of Canada!
For more encouragement and information, you can follow me on Instagram @makingresimple
Market Trend - June 2021 Highlights

Earlier this year the frustrations of buyers in the red hot housing market were clear, with fast sales and subject-free offers some buyers never stood a chance. They were lost in a sea of bidding wars.
The record-low interest rates that first appeared in 2020 have been somewhat of a “double-edged sword,” because it presented a fantastic opportunity for Canadians to get into or move up in the housing market, but also it added fuel to an already hot market. Now we can see that the market is starting to slow down.
“The current market slowdown, partly due to buyer fatigue, has started to manifest in the housing market, with fewer buyers ready to engage in bidding wars,” Statistics Canada stated in a report dated July 21, 2021.
Even though the market's been slower, the “[l]ow housing supply remains a fundamental factor in Metro Vancouver’s housing market,” Stewart said. It'll be interesting to see how the rest of the year will play out. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at heather@heatherchua.com.

The MLS® HPI, which is a measure of real estate prices that provides a clearer picture of market trends over traditional tools such as mean or median average prices.The trend of prices has consistently been increasing.
“Home sales remain above average and we’re starting to see price increases relent as well. Going forward, the supply of homes for sale will be among the most critical factors to watch. This will determine the next direction for house price trends.”
If you are thinking of buying or selling it's a good time to have a chat, let me know if you have any questions. Follow me on Instagram @makingresimple for encouragement, real estate tips and more!
Contact me if you want to create a strategy for buying or selling a home. heather@heatherchua.com
Walk for Wellness: September 18, 2021
By participating in the Walk for Wellness, you can impact women's mental health and wellness by not only helping to improve their lives, but their families, their sphere of influences, their futures. You can change generations to come. Join me in supporting Mercy Canada's Walk for Wellness on September 18, 2021 at the Aldergrove Regional Park or even virtually. Join here: https://walkforwellness.raisely.com/heather-chua
Pay It Forward

Show Biz

Cool Runnings is a feel-good movie! I really liked that they portrayed that by being so different, they stood out more and this is what got people behind their mission. If they were like everyone else, they might never have found their voice and their true identity. Pretending to be what society wants you to be is a guaranteed way to fail.
If you want to laugh and just have a relaxing movie night, you can watch this through Disney+ or you can rent it on a streaming service.
Contact me today at heather@heatherchua.com
What My Fans Say
She is extremely RESPONSIVE, CHARISMATIC and provides SOLUTIONS over and above the real estate side of things through her vast array of RESOURCES and access to industry leaders. ~ Ryan M.
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Keep Smiling, 😊
Heather Chua
