Heather ChuaAug 24, 20201 minG R A T I T U D E Gratitude creates joy – not vice versa. Joy comes in many different forms, colour, music, great conversation, etc…. Think about how you...
Heather ChuaAug 14, 20201 minS U C C U L E N T STime to invest in succulents not only to improve your health but can also make your home look beautiful. It is low maintenance and also...
Heather ChuaJul 25, 20201 minP R E – Q U A L I F I E D Pre-qualified is the first step in the buying process. It is based on the data that you submit to the lender. It is not a sure thing...
Heather ChuaJul 15, 20202 minS A V I N G SI’ve learned a lot on “zero-based budgeting” through Dave Ramsey, so I’ll let him do the talking: Your biggest wealth-building tool is...
Heather ChuaJul 6, 20201 minB E A U T Y“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” is a proverb that explains that beauty cannot be judged objectively. Each person has their own...